Immokalee Lodge

- 353 -

Section History

2009 Section S4 Conclave

Timuquan 340

Camp Sand Hill

April 17 - 19, 2009


(The first Conclave for the new S4, recombined S4S and S4N.)


Back Patch



Vigil Patch

(Has Vigil Triangle on chest)

(Five per person)



Host Flap



Host Flap






Host Flap


(Yellow Background)



Host Dangle


Section Neckerchief

Golf Tournament Patch

(One per person)



Lodge 229 Delegate Patch


Lodge 239

Best All Around Lodge Patch


A  Neckerchief, Neckerchief Slide, Leather Patch, Chenille, Hat Pin, Bolo Tie, and Belt Buckle,

and were also produced with the same logo.  No mug was produced.